Welcoming Micro Bird to Plattsburgh

Micro Bird recently announced that they will be acquiring the Nova Bus site in Plattsburgh with plans to produce a range of buses after Nova's exit in 2025.

"Since we accepted the marketing lead following Nova's announcement last year, we have been part of a remarkably determined team in Albany, Washington and locally, leading to this incredible conclusion," said North Country Chamber of Commerce President Garry Douglas.

Douglas terms Governor Kathy Hochul "an absolute rock star in this challenge, reaching out to Volvo in Sweden and then providing every form of support needed to make this extraordinary deal happen. Similarly with U.S. Senator Charles Schumer who twice engaged personally at key points. And our front-line team with partners like the Clinton County I.D.A. and TDC joining the Chamber in months of coordinated activity with Micro Bird, all with full cooperation from the Town of Plattsburgh as well. It's been a textbook case of effective teamwork, accomplishing the sort of transition which almost never happens in such circumstances. And now we happily turn to intensive work with our friends at Micro Bird in support of their future success here. Onward and upward!"

The Chamber's connection with Micro Bird began in 2022 before the Nova Bus closure announcement. "It was in the context of our constant building of connections with Quebec companies, especially in the realm of transportation equipment, and was done together with Assemblyman Billy Jones," notes Douglas. "Micro Bird then participated in our Quebec-New York Transportation Rendezvous event in March, a few months ahead of the full opening to prospects."

Nova Bus looked to the North Country Chamber as its lead marketing partner, beginning with global lead development immediately after the announcement in June 2023, with direct outreach to bus and transportation equipment makers around the world. "After many months of promotion, securing no fewer than four different bus producers with a serious interest from Canada, Europe and even Australia, things kicked into high gear this past June as Volvo Group determined there was no new Volvo-related operation for the site."

Douglas gives special credit to the Chamber's Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Joel Wood, "who directly coordinated the marketing effort from the start and now is working actively with Micro Bird on elements of the transition."

"When any major manufacturer plans to cease operation, you always do your best to attract a similar company to follow them," says Douglas. "But the reality is, this almost never happens, with things instead ending with a vacant facility in search of some new use. I am so proud of the team that has made this an extraordinary exception, marshalling all levels around a common aim and, in the end, once again leveraging both our special economic connections with Quebec and the power of our transportation equipment cluster."

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